Informatics - Data Warehouse and Physician Direct Focus Registry

Data Flow Visual

Data Flow Visual 7.1.24.jpg

Click here to download the Data Flow Visual as a pdf.

Log-In to Health Focus


Health Plan Data

  • Health Plan Eligibility
  • Claims, Treatment Opportunities
  • Diagnosis and Pharmacy Data


EMR Interfaces

  • AthenaHealth
  • eThomas(PMS)
  • Greenway Health
  • Medical Informatics Engineering - Webchart
  • NextGen
  • PrognoCis
  • Practice Fusion


Data Exchange

  • Supplemental Data Exchange Programs
  • Statewide MiHIN Admit, Discharge, and Transfer Program
  • Statewide Continuity of Care Document Architecture (Hospital Discharge Summary) Program


Lab Interfaces

  • JVHL National Labs
  • BioTech Labs
  • All pre-existing lab to EMR connections of the EMRs interfaced to the OPNS Data Warehouse


Reporting and Analytics

  • Eight monthly refreshed Unmet Measure Gap in Care Reports
  • Clinical Quality Scorecards
  • Performance Report by Health Plan, Disease, or Measure


Electronic Referrals (eConsult) (Not yet available on Health Focus)

  • Share all of the above information between OPNS PCPs and SCPs
  • Easily identify Insurances accepted by OPNS SCPs
  • Communicate and exchange information with simplicity